Apple says iOS protect your data from the police. its new mobile operating system uses text messages, emails, photos and other data outside the scope of the police - even if they show up with a warrant.

In a blog post, Apple said that iOS 8 which on Wednesday a new encryption no longer allow the company to bypass the password to a password to access the customer data released.

"It is technically possible for us to meet government mandates for the extraction of data on your iOS devices 8 power," he said.

Previous versions of the Apple operating system has allowed the company to circumvent the password he said.

And it remains true for competing operating systems. For example, AT & T (T, Tech30) can use Android phones to make customer service.

But it's not foolproof. Protection disappears if customers back up information on your phone and copy it to the iCloud service because Apple put out the mandates of the information on their servers.

Furthermore, the protection applies only living in your phone: text messages, photos, voice recordings, etc. The government still can (and did) beat Google (GOOG) and Yahoo (YHOO, Tech30) for your emails e. And your mobile operator will abandon their call records.

And if you sync your iPhone with iTunes, backup files from your phone to the computer, then the police can confiscate these files on your laptop - No PIN is required.

But Apple clearly detected the additional protection is a starting point for their products to sell.

"I want to be absolutely clear that we have never worked with a government agency of a country to create a backdoor on any of our products or services door. We also never allowed access to our servers. And never, "wrote CEO Apple blog, Tim Cook.

The site also features the Electronic Frontier Foundation gave Apple the maximum score for "standing with our customers when the government seeks access to their data."

But do not be fooled into thinking that Apple is now the patron saint of security. The company is known to take months or years to correct known serious software defects. The recent leak of photos of naked celebrities iCloud is a recent example. Apple knew of weakness for over a year.

And when the company does update your operating system, which tends to be silent about what is fixed.

So security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski renowned Apple said: "If Apple is going to be an adult in this space, and take security seriously, part of which is the recognition of significant vulnerabilities and minimize the stop."

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