For tablet applications
Windows 8 is a kind of two different operating systems broken in one: you can run applications, and desktop PC applications startup shelves on the desktop. However, switching between them means in an universe and the other.

Windows 9x users will be able to launch tablet applications in windows on the desktop, according to rumors.

live interactive 
Live tiles in Windows 8 is a great way to get a snapshot of information without having to open the application. They offer quick time looks, actions, messages and e-mails from social media. But if you want to go further, you need to open the application.

In Windows 9x, the rumors are that you will be able to click or go through the information without having to open the application. For example, you might be able to scroll appointments or delete e-mails directly from the tile.

A better power management 
Windows 8 does not take too much space on your hard drive, and boots in seconds. But you can suck your battery.

Windows 9x are expected to fix that waking up the processor of a computer once every few seconds in some cases - rather than hundreds of times per second. If true, this could greatly improve the battery life.

Cloud-based OS
Cloud applications, such as Microsoft OneDrive, Bing and Office 365, have a strong presence in Windows 8, but the Windows operating system itself is stuck on your PC.

The rumors suggest that Windows 9 can transfer some capabilities of Windows for the cloud. The functions of the base operating system would still live on your computer, but some of the less used features running on the Internet. This could lead to more free space on your hard disk, but Windows updates and potentially less expensive computers.

Notification Center 
On the lock screen, Windows 8 tells you how many emails you have and what your next calendar appointment is. But there is no easy way to see that information when the computer is not locked.

9 Windows must have a notification center, similar to the iPhone, Android and Windows Phone handsets. The notification center show all recent notifications in one place.

return to the Start Menu 
Start Button bits sorta returned to the Windows 8.1 update - but it took a tremendous start screen with its sea of ​​tiles and applications.

9 in Windows, Microsoft is rumored to be making a full investment bringing all the way back to his place at the bottom left of the screen on the Start menu.

But it seems that still will not be able to escape tiles homescreen. Filtered images show the new start menu a miniature version of the welcome screen that appears when you click the Start button.

Google Microsoft staff assistant Siri-like now-and Windows Phone might be coming to the PC.

An application Cortana has Appeared in some filtered images of Windows 9x. Perhaps it would be more useful to users of tablets, laptops and desktops but customers Could Also have an urgent need to bark orders to your PC.

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