these sessions is the special session beacuse of New iPhone. The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be in stored on Friday with Apple fans worldwide the online site to become among the first owners of the new devices (AAPL, Tech30).

In New York City, about 1,000 people already in line for about 21 hours Thursday night - a line that stretched for several blocks. In Hong Kong, the line started at 17 pm on Thursday, and has grown to include clients who had flown in from India, China and the UK just shopping.

Sales began with a literal explosion in Australia, where a young man at the front of the line outside a Perth man shop UNBOXED his new iPhone 6 on live TV, drop to the ground. (The audience gasped, but the device would have survived the fall very well).

New phones became available for pre-order last Friday, with Apple selling a record 4 million in 24 hours. Apple said the demand for "higher than the initial offer pre-order" devices, although additional phones were available for walk-in customers in some Apple stores Friday.

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