What Is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive web pages. It runs on your visitor's computer and does not require constant from your site downloads. JavaScript is often used to create surveys and questionnaires.

Are JavaScript and Java the Same?
No, they are two completely different computer languages. Only their names are similar.

How to Write JavaScript?
JavaScript is an interpreted language, so no special program is needed to create a usable code. Any text editor such as Notepad (an accessory that comes with Windows) is pretty satisfying to be able to write JavaScript. That said, an editor color coding to make it easier to see what is making it easier to find your mistakes.

Can use HTML instead of JavaScript?
No HTML and JavaScript are two completely different things. HTML is a markup language designed for a static definition of content on the site. JavaScript is a programming language designed for performing dynamic tasks. Sometimes the distinction is blurred because the JavaScript code can go in the same file as HTML.

Can use PHP or other server-side language instead of JavaScript? 
Perhaps. It depends on the code needs to run. If you can not run until the page is loaded, you can use a server side language. If she has to run after the page is loaded, use JavaScript as it is the only programming language supported by all web browsers that support client-side scripting.

Three Parts of JavaScript

1. Basic Syntax
includes the definition

how to define your variables?
how to perform calculations on those variables?
how to set up loops and functions?
how to define objects?

2. The Document Object Model

This standard was developed by the W3C and defines how JavaScript must contact the Web site in order to extract the contents of processing the page, add content to the page, and how to access the style sheet to change the Page appearance of the page. There are four different "levels" in this set of standards. 

'Rules' The Dom0 is these methods that browsers implement before you start writing standards and W3C browsers support today. 

The W3C has published three different sets of rules for interconnection at the site of each of them fully understands the rule above, and adds new ways to interact with the page. They are known as DOM1, DOM2 and DOM3.

3. The Browser Object Model

that is how scripts to obtain information from the browser and post comments. 

For this part of the language there is no coordination and cooperation facto standards if the browser writers can define your own interface. Most browsers other than Internet Explorer copied the way the Firefox browser interface that simplifies the job a little easier. 

Internet Explorer has two different ways to use the browser interface depending on whether the browser is running in user mode rules or whims. This is determined by the fact that the page is valid as the first tag in the HTML file a DOCTYPE declaration. 

As the results of quirks mode in web pages to look in different browsers, you should always include a doctype as the first thing in your HTML code. It will be easier to write code that allows the same treatment for each browser

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